Child Labour means emplysing children below the age of 14-18 years old, in Industries, for factories etc. Although, child Labour is illegal and Punishable act as Per the government laws, still it is highly prevalent in our country and number of factories hire young children to work for them and are Paid namesoke wages and even in many places they are mistreated as well. child Labour is really shameful thing foor humanity. It is a crime against humanity.
As we say that children are the future of nation, they should be educated well and should be sent to school,They should be educated well and Learn new things, but unfortunately their future goes at stake working in these Factories and industries. Higher rate of poverty and unemployment are some of the major reasons that children are forced to do, such Jobs Forcefully. Due to Poverty, People in rural Places are not able to take care of their children, in distress and because of their Poor conditions they send their children to cities so that they can work and earn Some livelihood and support their families too.
To make change in these situations, children should be given free education by the government and they should be given vocational training at the right age so that they can. Learn to earn livelihood at the age in the right way.
Muhammed Fadhil
1st Year B. Com Taxation
Al Shifa College of Arts and Science
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